Maltese Profile
Maltese Breed Profile
Maltese don’t have the undercoat typical to many breeds and don’t shed much.
Attitude and Behavior
A Little History
A gentle-mannered and affectionate toy dog, the Maltese has been an aristocrat of the canine world for more than 28 centuries. Originating in the Mediterranean, was once known as “Ye Ancient Dogge of Malta.” In the first century, the Roman governor of Malta, Publius, had a beloved Maltese named “Issa,” and the Egyptians, who erected tombs to their Maltese, are believed to have worshipped the breed. Around 1972, Danberton in History Naturelle wrote that “ladies carried them in their sleeves.” A white Maltese, listed as the Maltese Lion Dog, was exhibited as a Maltese Sky Terrier in 1979.
Exercise and Nutrition
Age (weeks) 3-14. Socialization Period. If socialized later than 14 weeks (or between 12 – 14 weeks in some dogs) shyness or agressiveness may dominate behavior.
Age (weeks) 6 – 8. Optimum Socialization. If socialized earlier, shyness often develops, along with over-dependence on owner, which may lead to over-protectiveness.
Age (weeks) 8 – 10. Fear Imprint. Traumatic, fear-producing experiences may be permanently impress causing defensive reactions in some circumstances.
Age (weeks 12 – 14. Puberty Onset. Meaningful sexual mounting often occurs. Males display erections.
Age (weeks) 18-40. Protective-Aggressive. Barking at strangers and other territorial and social group protective tendencies may occur. Leg lifting may begin in males.
Age (weeks) 35 – 56. Functional. Many dogs become more serious about protective-aggressive behavior. a general persistence in behavior problems is noted and corrections become more difficult.
Age (weeks) 104 – 208. Achievement. Protective-aggressive behavior can become especially purposeful. Problem behvior appears to become self-rewarding, habitual. Corrections markedly more difficult.
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