American Maltese Association – Liver Shunt Article
I found this article very interesting to read should you suspect liver issues. To go to the article click here
I found this article very interesting to read should you suspect liver issues. To go to the article click here
The red/brown discoloration in tears comes from porphyrin. Porphyrins are iron containing molecules produced when the body breaks down iron. Porphyrins are excreted through the
Rocky was a tiny thing at birth, weighing in at 1 7/8 oz. He was a determined little guy from the get go and had
By Carrie Hyde, The Spaw Pet Life Coach | January 12, 2022 An Important Warning Sign – The Spaw Tear stains are an unsightly problem
I truly believe that for some Maltese some just stain more than others and no matter what you try you aren’t going to stop the
After many years of breeding Maltese I determined that I have never come across a true fix for tear staining. I have tried Angel Eyes,