Let’s Talk Maltese!

Caring for Maltese Teeth

Please take the time to brush your dogs teeth a few times a week and if you can’t then make sure they get vet checked for gum disease at least once a year.  Gum disease can lead to heart conditions which as you can guess will shorten the life of your pet.  Because of how many Maltese I have I try to brush their teeth at least every couple of weeks,  which is not really enough, when I give them a bath and I use a children’s toothbrush and dog toothpaste.  It comes in chicken flavor which I don’t really like the smell of but I think my fur babies tend to like it. It also comes in vanilla mint which is my favorite (smell), I haven’t tasted it but the smell of mint is nicer than the smell of chicken in my opinion.  I have an instrument that helps me pop the tartar off if I am able, Maltese willing.  With this routine, if I can’t keep their teeth cleaned I make an appointment to have their teeth professionally cleaned while under anesthesia.  I recently took Emmy to the vet to have her teeth cleaned.  She is 4 years of age and even though I brush her teeth every two weeks which is definitely not enough she had to have four teeth removed. They removed her four bottom incisors.  It breaks my heart every time the vet informs me of any teeth that needed to be extracted. I only authorize those that are loose and that they are sure should be pulled because of irreversible decay.

I have included pictures of the items I use for dental cleaning and also of the dental chews I give out.


2 Responses

  1. What instrument do you use to pop the tartar off and where can you purchase it? I’m getting a new puppy next month and want to take good care of her teeth. In the past, we’ve had two maltese that I brushed their teeth and they were very compliant when I groomed them. I wished I had an instrument then that I could have used as they got older.

    Thank you.

  2. You can order from Amazon
    Dog dental tooth scaler and scraper for $5.99 with free shipping for Prime Members

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